Friday, April 30, 2010


Twenty years ago I started the most passionate and intense love affair of my life. (It was also the year I met my husband.) The affair of which I speak is with food. Prior to that time, I knew how to make microwave popcorn. That’s it. Two great things happened that year. I met my husband - who owned a cookbook, and I got laid-off. With plenty of time on my hands and a new relationship in the works, I picked up that cookbook and started to read. Huge revelation: if you can read, you can cook! I started reading and cooking and falling in love.

Fast-forward twenty years...I now have four children under the age of twelve with the guy who owned the original cookbook. Food is the cornerstone of our life and we are all passionate about it. New food and recipes constantly show up on our table and are judged ruthlessly (did I mention four children under the age of twelve). This blog has come to life so that I might share the best recipes with those who share the same passion about food.

Because my kids usually travel in at least three different directions immediately after school, and because we do like to eat real family meals every night, most of the recipes you’ll find here are fairly quick or can be produced in a two-step process - one step to prepare the meal in advance and the second step to finish it right before serving the meal. I frequently improvise as I am trying to stay somewhat budget-conscious as well. I welcome you to my test kitchen - enjoy!

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